Queen of Hearts
Nine years ago tonight I was watching TV & NBC's BRIAN WILLIAMS interrupted with a SPECIAL REPORT. I always thought that Mr. Williams (Not even Anchor yet in this Brokaw era) was very handsome, so I paid attention. BW was saying that an announcement was imminent from Buckingham Palace & that the news was expected to be "grave" Great! I thought. The Queen Mum died (she was 90 something then) and there goes the whole weekend! Well we all know what that announcement actually was.
That the Princess of Wales, formerly H.R.H. Diana, Princess of Wales, was dead. So close on the heels of "John-John" I could not take this news in. I still can't.
Pregnant? No! Drunk driver? Yes! Engaged? Doubtful! All the tawdry details that are even now still emerging mean so little. This beautiful young woman is still dead & I still feel sad about it! And is it too gay to regret that this fashion icon should have to be buried in a borrowed dress? Yes, due to her "holiday" Diana had nothing suitable to wear & was buried in a dress loaned from Madame Chirac, wife of the President of France! Merde!
And the irony that that "other woman" who caused her such pain, should live to take the throne that should have been hers, is too much to bear. The only possible divine & just intervention would be that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, like her great grandmother before her, Victoria, would live to a ripe old age & thus deny her son & his wife their reign, however brief. And we can look toward the day when Great Britian is ruled by that handsome young man who is the image of his mother, and say with fervor, "God Save the King, William V"
On a related, but much lighter note, the follwing quote captures the brilliance of the writing on the funniest show on televsion, THE OFFICE:"I never really thought about death til Princess Diana died!" That was the saddest funeral EVER! That & my sister's!!"