
Changing The World One Pansy At A Time!

Thursday, August 07, 2008


By now you’ve seen the hubbub created by John McCain’s campaign ad comparing the “celebrity of Barack Obama to that of BRITNEY SPEARS & PARIS HILTON. Well Paris, who has missed fewer opportunities at self-promotion than MADONNA, has now weighed in with a very funny ad herself.

Calling John McCain a “wrinkley, white-haired, dude” ….very funny. And just to hear Paris say the phrase: “environmental oversight” now that’s HOT!

And I know that Paris really likes a bargain! You’ll recall my running into her at the LAMPSPLUS Store on LaBrea; where she was buying a knock-off chandelier for her new house. But those PVC Plastic Chaise lounge chairs??? Seriously. Those things are nasty! And no cushions?? Not even a Towel??
I have to guess that these things are on loan from a props department because Paris didn’t want to use her own collection of BROWN JORDAN Lounges, right?!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

I’ll see you at the debates, bitches” I’m sorry, you just got to love her. Who else could say that? And NO CUE CARDS unlike the real candidates!

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