
Changing The World One Pansy At A Time!

Monday, March 10, 2008



You all know what a huge fan I am of the author, PHILLIPA GREGORY, and her books on the Tudors.
So I really could not wait when I learned that a film was being made of her “The Other Bolelyn Girl” starring the hot, hot, hot, ERIC BANA, as Henry VIII. Well, I wish I was still waiting. What a piece of crap. Oh yea, Eric is still hot (when he’s not buried under 50 lbs of what I can only describe as damask bedding!) but the whole damn thing looks & feels like it was shot as a music video. SCARLETT JOHANSSON & NATALIE PORTMAN are fine, I guess but somehow lack the “weight” required to portray women who brought a King to his knees, ripped apart a country & a church & forever changed history. If you really want a good Tudor story then pray that Showtime brings back The Tudors & quick!

You know what really bugs me at the movies? People passing by you on the way to their seats with their SEAT in your face! Who the hell wants to be sitting down with someone’s big ass right above & in front of them? The polite thing to do folks, is to enter the aisle, facing those you are about to pass, & say “excuse me” as you do so! Maybe they only teach this in Catholic school?

The ELIOT SPITZER story is too delicious, no? What do you think “Client 9” is code for? A reference to what, I wonder? Watching tonight, I thought one thing: “why do they always drag out the wife”? Isn’t this further humiliation? I know it’s good politics & sends a message that says, “well if his wife is standing by him, who are we to judge?” And I know we live in different times what with HILLARY CLINTON having set the “stand-by-your-man” bar quite high, but hell, at least she got something in the bargin…a chance at the Presidency. The blogs are ablaze with this story. I found the following joke in a comment on a blog on The Huffington Post:

I'm reminded of the Irish woman who caught her husband cheating on her. The next day she asked the parish priest to say some prayers for her husband as he had died. The priest told her how sorry he was to hear that and asked if poor Shamus had said any last words. She said, "Yes, he did Father.” He said, “Mary, please put the gun down."

I cannot believe that STAR JONES & her husband, AL(I am NOT gay!)Reynolds are getting a divorce! If these two lovebirds couldn’t find happiness, I don’t know who could!

Congratulations to MADONNA on being inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame! Hers is an unlikely success story & she keeps writing new chapters every year!

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