
Changing The World One Pansy At A Time!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Long Good Friday

So I used to be a Christian, now I'm just a Catholic!
Sort of like when ELVIS COSTELLO used to sing "I used to be disgusted, now I try to be AMUSED!" in "The Angels Want to Wear My Red Shoes!"

But I've always secretly liked Good Friday..if only for the DRAMA of it all. I especially liked how, no matter what; or where I was on the planet, the sky always grew eerily dark around 3 o'clock (the hour of Christ death on the cross)
And that tradition continues. Today I found myself close to a Roman Catholic Church in Los Angeles while working. It was close to 3:00 in the afternoon. I looked over at a nice Spanish building and realized it was the church of St Mary Magdelene on Pico Blvd. I looked up to the cross on the bell tower and as the sky began to darken I noticed a black raven on the tip of the cross!
He stayed there for a very long time; at least an hour while I ran some errands. It was discomforting enough that I remembered to say the Good friday prayers of my youth just to ward off any bad energy!

Next week I'll tell you about my splendid Easter Sunday Brunch with all my Italian friends & about my wonderful trip to my homeland...IRELAND!

Until then, BUONA PASQUA!!! As we say in Rome!

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